LNP Invites WOLMI Founder Apostle Abraham Kromah For Questioning

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LNP Invites WOLMI Founder Apostle Abraham Kromah For Questioning

The Liberia National Police have invited the founder and General overseer of the world of Life Ministries International Apostle Abraham Kromah for questioning at its headquarters in Monrovia.

According to Police IG Patrick Sudue, the apostle will answer questions about the situation that recently occurred in New Kru town in montserrado county district number sixteen, which took away many lives including children, men, and women.

Speaking to a cross-section of journalists in Monrovia Police IG Sudue termed the crusade as reckless, something that have touched both perchers men and women in the country.

It can be recalled on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, a group of disadvantaged Youths commonly call Zogos, Carry out a serious attack that lead to the stampede death of about thirty Liberian with several other injuries in New Kru town, D Tweh high school campus.

By Emmanuel M Togbah Jr

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