Help a Mother & New Born in Liberia

Help a mother in Liberia

Help a mother in Liberia
Help the needy


Monrovia – HELP A MOTHER & NEW BORN IN LIBERIA is a health project that aims towards addressing the challenges faced in reducing maternal and new-born mortality in the four health districts of Margibi County.

This project started in June 2021 by two passionate young Liberians Lela Precious Dolo and Bernice Kromah in Switzerland.

They were trained at Linth Hospital and other health facilities as part of an internship with the Bowier Trust Foundation ( BTFS) on maternal and new-born health in low resource settings.

Since they returned, Lela, Bernice and her incredible team has been working towards the success of this project.

Almost 75% of the project total budget has been raised with support from the Bowier Trust Foundation Switzerland (BTFS). The team is currently raising raising for the implication of their project.


1. Build the capacities of twenty five (25) local maternal health care service providers and fifty (50) Traditional midwives by January 2022 to improve maternity and new- born care delivery services.

2. Supply ten(10) health facilities with basic maternal health equipment and drugs by January 2022 to improve maternal health delivery outcomes and promote safe delivery procedures.

3. Supply fifty (50) trained traditional midwives with working tools by March to motivate them work in line with health facilities.

4. Establish health clubs in ten (10) Secondary Schools by April 2022 to promote sexual and reproductive health awareness and empower young students.

5. Establish maternal health clubs in ten(10) health facilities by August 2022 to promote maternal health awareness and empower women.

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